Brian has been sending us regular updates to his Split Top Roubo build over the past few months. He's finished this well-crafted example and we're proud to share pictures and Brian's comments along the way.
Note Brian's Glide install. He hid the front roller bracket in the back side of the chop. Very nice!
I’m a visual kind of learner, so having an excellent set of Benchcrafted plans and the really generous examples of builds posted on TalkFestool by Jim Kirkpatrick and Anthony M, have inspired me to get started and enabled me to avoid some of the mistakes that I’m sure I would have made. The hardest part of the build is “taking my time”.
The Roubo isn’t a weekend project for me. I’m just taking one step at a time and have gotten most of the under structure and Gliding Leg Vise put together so far. I have no problem blending the use of power and hand tools, and am using whichever will get the job done. I have had to work around not having a Table Saw, Band Saw, or Lathe, but so far so good.
Some progress has been made on the Roubo and I have sent along the updated shots. The base is now complete. Danish oil was put on to keep the maple from getting filthy, but changes can still be made. The shelf boards have been cut and placed on the ledger strips but have not yet been attached in any way. If a bead is cut on each lapped joint, (or at least if the edges are eased with a plane), it should make the color mismatches look less pronounced.
I don’t have a good source for maple hear in New Mexico, so I have to take what I can get color wise. Next week the lumber yard should be getting in more maple and then the tops can be started.
Progress is being made on the Roubo. I’ve got things in the final stretch. I still have a few more holes to drill and a gap stop to make and then some oil and we’ll call it Finished.
Here are the shots of the finished Roubo. I started in late August and worked weekends on it with about a 6 week wait in the middle for my lumber supplier to get in the Maple for the tops. I figure it ended up weighing around 420lbs. The plans were followed closely with the obvious exception of the hidden parallel guide roller in the chop and the full length gap stop.
Thanks for all of your help!