Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Galbert Drawsharp First Look

Developing the Galbert Drawsharp along with Pete has been a great learning experience. Pete is full of so many great ideas about the craft and toolmaking that it's like opening the flood gates when we talk (listen.) Pete's philosophy is a great mix of traditional and modern, much like how we do things here at Benchcrafted. Case in point, in the image above from a Skype session earlier this year, Pete is holding up a prototype part to his webcam while I take a closer look. Skype is so handy for things like this, but how do you save the image? Okay, Print Screen will work for one shot. But my mind doesn't always work that fast. So instead I pick up a camera and take a picture of my monitor. Just feels wrong. But it got the job done.

Speaking of which, the first batch of Drawsharp parts is finished. Well, mostly. Due to a stupid error we made one part the wrong size. But it's the good kind of wrong. The too-big kind. So back in the lathe they go, then back to anodizing. Long story short, we're now really scrambling to get them done for WIA.

But there is still hope. If everything works out they'll still make it to Cincinnati in time.


  1. Very nice. One of those "I wish I'd thought of that" tools. I have a question and I think I already know the answer, but is there any reason why that couldn't be used to sharpen the blades to a portable surface planer?

  2. I have about 40 draw knives that can't wait to meet this tool. I know, I'm a drawknife hoarder. Picked up 4 new (old) ones over the weekend.
    I have one of the prototypes and this looks better than I could have imagined. Once again, out of the park you guys.

    1. And they will all need slightly different angles, so can we put you down for 40? Just kidding. Thanks Greg! Can't wait for you to try one.

  3. This tool has a BRIDGE CITY TOOLS look!

  4. If we can't get to WIA, how do I get one and @ how much?

    1. Watch for a blog post in the next day or so with pricing and availability.


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