Friday, November 27, 2015

The Offical FORP II Slideshow

Here it is. The official slideshow from the FORP II. This time I didn't have a chance to take much video, thus the slideshow.

There are a few short videos within, but the vast majority of the images come from Narayan Nayar ( Narayan volunteered to spend the week at Childs' shop documenting the build. And we're so grateful that he did. Videos are always fun, and if you want to check out what this build is like through that medium, see this. But still images contain much more soul than amateur video, and portray the entire build in a more meaningful way. Thanks to Narayan for his effort in this.

The video slideshow contains many of Narayan's images, but not all. The entire set is viewable on Narayan's Flickr page.


  1. Is Raney responsible for the Ramones song?

  2. Bravo Jameel!
    In case that wasn't enough coverage, here's a link to all of the video I shot at the event.

    Some of videos are how-to and layout instruction. You can skip around in the playlist--each video caries a descriptive title.

  3. Thank you Jameel and Narayan for documenting the week. The photos and videos will be helpful when I try to explain what being a FORP'er II survivor means.


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